S & S Software Ltd |
SABRE Security GmbH |
Sabritec, Inc. |
SAE International |
Samsung |
Sauereisen, Inc. |
Sawtooth Software |
SB Solutions, Inc. (I2CTools.com) |
Scanalytics, Inc. |
Scand LLC |
ScanSoft, Inc. |
Schaudin.com (Software Localization Technology) |
Scicon R&D, Inc. |
Science Kit & Boreal Laboratories |
Scientific & Educational Software |
Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. |
Scientific Software Group |
Scientific Software Intl, Inc |
Scientific Toolworks, Inc. |
SCIOPT Enterprises |
SciQuest, Inc. |
SciScan LLC |
SciTech Software, Inc. |
SCO Group Corporate |
Scooter Software Inc. |
Screenplay Systems, Inc. |
Script Software International |
SDL International |
Sea Change WebClarity Division |
Seagate |
Sealevel Systems, Inc |
Secondary Level English Proficiency Test Order Service Section |
Segway LLC |
Seiko Instruments USA Inc. |
Semichem, Inc. |
SemiconductorStore.com |
Semsons & Co. Inc. |
Senlick Ltd. |
Sensimetrics Corporation |
Serena Software |
Serious Magic Inc. |
Shaffer Solutions Corporation |
Shape Software |
Sharper Image |
SHAZAM (Northwest Econometrics, Ltd.) |
Shiny White Box Limited |
Shirt Pocket |
Sibelius Software Ltd |
Siborg Systems Inc. |
SIC (Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies) |
Side Effects Software Inc. (SESI) |
Sietronics Pty Limited |
Sigma Designs, Inc. |
Sigmacom Co., Ltd. |
Signsoft |
Sihl AG |
Silicon Optix Canada Inc. (HQV) |
Silicon Prairie Software/SharewareOnline.com, Inc. |
Silk Scientific, Inc. |
Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers |
Singapore University Press Pte Ltd |
Singular Inversions Inc. |
SIS-TECH Solutions, LP |
SKIF Software |
SkyeTek, Inc. |
Skyscape, Inc. |
SM |
Small World LLC |
SmartDraw Software Inc. |
SmartSound Software, Inc. |
S-Matrix Corporation |
Smith Micro Software, Inc. |
SMPTE Foundation (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) |
Soekris Engineering, Inc. |
softDSP Co. Ltd. |
Softel vdm, Inc. |
Softerra - Neo Digital, Inc. |
Softissimo |
SoftTronics, Lutz + Kretzschmar GbR |
SoilVision Systems Ltd. |
Solarspeed.net |
Solutions Etcetera |
Sonic Foundry, Inc. |
Sonic Software Corporation |
Sonic Solutions |
Sonic Studios |
Sonny Software |
Sony |
Sophisticated Circuits, Inc. |
Sorenson Media |
Sound Ideas |
Sounds Online (A division of East West) |
Source Dynamics, Inc. |
South River Technologies, LLC. |
Sparx Systems Pty Ltd. |
Spearit Software, Inc. |
SPEC (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation) |
Spectrum Digital, Inc. |
Spectrum Software |
Spellex Corporation |
Split Engineering LLC |
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg |
SPSS Inc. |
Stalker Software, Inc. |
Stanford Business Software, Inc. |
Stardock Corporation |
Stark Design, Inc. |
StarNet Communications Corp. |
StarTech.com Ltd. |
Stata Corporation |
Stat-Ease, Inc. |
Statistical Innovations, Inc. |
Statistical Solutions Ltd. |
Statistics Canada |
StatSoft, Inc |
StatSoft, Inc. |
Staz Software |
Steema Software |
steim (the Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music) |
Steinberg |
Stellar Information Systems Ltd. |
Stock Drive Products / Sterling Instrument (SDP-SI) |
Stone Design Corp. |
StyleWriter-USA.com (MY Byline Media) |
Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
Sun Microsystems, Inc. J |
Sunbelt Software |
Sunburst Technology |
Super Duper Publications |
Super Win Software, Inc. |
SuperSpeed Software, Inc. |
SURFdriver |
Sustainable Softworks, Inc |
Suunto Corporation |
Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICStus) |
SwiftView, Inc. |
Sygate Technologies, Inc. |
Symantec Corporation |
Synapse Developpement |
Syncfusion Inc. |
SyncRO Soft Ltd. |
Synergy Software |
Systat Software Inc. |
System Dynamics Society |
Systinet Corporation (Mercury) |
SYSTRAN Software, Inc. |
Systronix, Inc. |
TaBazar |
Tabuleiro Producoes LTDA EPP |
Taiwan Commate Computer Inc. 台灣肯懋電腦股イ分有限公司 (Commell) |
TAL Technologies, Inc. |
TamoSoft |
Tangible Software Solutions Inc. |
TBSP Inc. (The Better Software People) |
Teach Me Tapes, Inc |
Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) |
Teamsoft Inc. |
Technology/Engineering Management, Inc. (TEMI) |
TechSmith Corporation |
TechTools |
Tech-X Corporation |
TECO Ltd. |
Telestream, Inc. (Flip4Mac) |
Tenable Network Security, Inc. |
Tenon Intersystems |
Terra Soft Solutions, Inc. |
TerraSeer, Inc |
Terrasolid Ltd. |
TESSCO Technologies Incorporated |
Texas A&M University System |
Texas Instruments Incorporated |
texturemaker.com |
The AEgis Technologies Group, Inc. |
The CHARMM Development Project |
The Font Bureau, Inc. |
The Fortran Company |
The Gnomon Workshop, Inc. |
The Hollywood Edge |
The Imaging Source (Textcontrol) |
The NCC Group |
The Portland Group, Inc. |
The Sound Professionals |
The Three-Mode Company |
The Written Word, Inc. |
Theorist Interactive, LLC |
Thermal Analysis Partners, LLC. |
Thieme Publishing Group |
Think Outside, Inc. |
ThinkGeek, Inc. |
Thomson ResearchSoft |
Thorlabs, Inc. |
Thursby Software Systems, Inc. |
Tidepool Scientific Software |
Timberlake Consultants |
Timestep |
TLA Systems Ltd. |
tmssoftware.com |
TMT Development Corp. |
Together Foundation |
TogetherSoft Corporation |
Toon Boom Technologies Inc. |
Torah Soft, Ltd. |
TORNADO Technologies, Inc. |
Toshiba International Corporation |
Total Resolution |
Trade Information System (TRAINS), UNCTAD/DITC |
Translation Experts Ltd. |
Transparent Language, Inc. |
Tree C Technology B.V. |
Tree Star, Inc. |
TreeAge Software, Inc. |
Trend Micro, Incorporated |
Tresorier Delegue de Cd-Saclay |
Trinity Software |
Tritton (KVMandMORE) |
TRL Software Bureau, TRL |
Troika Tronix |
Trolltech Inc |
True BASIC, Inc. |
TruSoft International Inc. |
TSP International |
TTE, Incorporated |
Turbo Squid, Inc. |
Tweak Marketing Inc. |
TwinBridge Software Corporation |
U&I Software LLC |
U.S. Pharmacopeia |
UK Earth Science Courseware Consortium |
Ulead Systems, Inc. |
Ultimate |
Ultralingua |
Underwriter Laboratories Inc. |
Union Technology International (Macao Commercial Offshore) Co. Ltd. |
Unitech America |
United Nations Publications |
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) |
Unitype |
Universal Attention Disorders, Inc. |
University College London |
University of Glasgow |
University of Karlsruhe |
University of Surrey |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
US Product Data Association |
USDE Energy Science and Technology Software Center |
USGS EROS Data Center (U.S. Geological Survey) |
Van Hall Larenstein Training & Consultancy |
Vanderplaats R&D, Inc. (VR&D) |
VCOM (Avanquest Publishing USA Inc.) |
Verasi Systems Inc. |
VERBI Software-Consult-Sozialforschung GmbH |
verypdf.com, Inc. |
ViAcoustics |
Vicomsoft |
VideoCap Inc. |
VisCog Productions, Inc. |
Visionics (Norlinvest Ltd.) |
Visual Awareness, Inc. |
Visual Engineering, Inc. |
Visual Paradigm |
Visual Solutions, Incorporated |
Visual Thesaurus, Division of Thinkmap, Inc. |
Vmware, Inc. |
VNI Software Company |
Voidoid |
VoyagerSoft, LLC (SolidDocuments) |
VP Product Development, nPower Software, Inc. |
VR Toolbox, Inc. |
VSO-Software |
Wachendorff Automation GmbH & Co. KG |
Wacom |
Ward Systems Group, Inc |
WASY Ltd. |
Waterbirth International, Global Maternal/Child Health Association, Inc. |
Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc. |
Waterloo Maple Inc. |
Wavefunction, Inc. |
WaveMetrics, Inc. |
Waves Inc. |
WBEM Solutions, Inc. |
WBT Systems |
Web Ideas International, Inc. |
WebCT, Inc. |
WebMechanica |
WebSupergoo Software (Finn International Ltd.) |
Webyog |
Whiteley Research Inc. |
WhiteSmoke Inc. |
Whole Tomato Software, Inc. |
Wide Range, Inc. |
Willmann-Bell, Inc. |
Wilson WindowWare, Inc. |
Windward Technologies, Inc. |
WinEdit Software Co. |
WinTeX 2000 |
WinXAS |
WinZip Computing, Inc. |
Wireless Valley Communications, Inc. |
Wizoo Sound Design GmbH. |
Wizzard Software Corporation |
Wjhsoft Software |
WMF2EPS by Wolfgang Schulter |
Wolfram Research |
Woll2Woll Software, Inc. |
Workshare, Inc. |
World Bank |
WorldLanguage.com |
Worley Laboratories |
Worth Data Inc. |
Writers' Computer Store, LLC |